
Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas 2021

We had a lot of fun making Reindeer Cookies and Christmas decorations this week.

We used arrowroot biscuits, nutella, M&Ms and pretzels to make our delicious reindeer cookies. It was a lovely treat!

Our Christmas decorations had a 'Xmas Tree' theme. We made a finger print xmas tree card, a glittery xmas tree with a candy cane and then a xmas tree ornament for our trees. What a great way to end the year.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Last week our class went on the EOTC days we went to lake-Ngatu and waiari. We went to Lake-Ngatu on Wednesday and Waiari on Thursday. What we did at Lake-Nagtu is we had to walk from my batch into the forest and the forest walk was super long it felt like it  took 2 hours just to get to Lake-Ngatu. When we got to Lake-Ngatu we put some sunblock on and then we had a little nibble and then we went for a swim after the swim I had some lunch and then I got changed because I was getting cold.When I got changed I had some more lunch and then I went to go and play with Alaris,Ryan,Kylan.

Music with Matua Jade

WALT explore different musical instruments and we are learning to give different types of music a go.

On Monday's, my class goes over to see Matua Jade. He teaches us how to play instruments like guitar and piano. My favourite part was doing the guitar because I like the sound of it.

Monday, December 6, 2021


WALT respond to different types of poems. We are going to use different poems to help us practice our reading strategies.

What we learnt in poetry is rhyming words how to make a rhyming word is that the end of the word has to be sound the same like moan and groan, rain and drain They make scenes.
We also learnt about alliteration. Alliteration is when the sound is the same at the beginning of the word like spiders spin silk.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Science - Water And Milk

We are learning to use water and milk to help us understand different scientific concepts.

On Friday my class did the water and milk science and my partners were Casey and Hunter. What we used to make the water one was


.Food colouring and

. Paper towels

The second one that we did was the milk one.For that science we used 


.Dish washing liquid and 

.Food colouring 

But the we also used a medium size stick to make the colour stand out.What happend was that the milk and the food colouring mixed up and it exploded out.What happend to the water one was that we used the paper towel and what happend when we used the paper towel was that we had to put a timer for when the colours to mixs.  

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Asttle Writing - Narrative - Lucy Starts to Hear Whispers


The children write for a total of 40 minutes. Within that timeframe they have to plan their writing (a brainstorm) write, edit and re-craft their work. They are not allowed to use dictionaries or word cards. The students completed their writing on paper but have typed it out for their blogs.

 WALT write a creative narrative story!

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucy and she lived with her aunt because her parent's past away when she was only little.When she grew older she would always get these whispers in her head and she thought that it was just her imagination but then she had seen that it was true. But when Lucy grew older and older things started to seem pretty weird like things started to dissapear but she was 15 so she didn't really care that much. Then she heard  something whispering to her like when she was little it was a mean gost with an evil witch that lived across from her house.They had been whispering in her head her hole life so they can turn her into an evil kid! They were bully's.The next's day Lucy went to go and catch the bus to school when Lucy got to school she got some more whispers in her head again and she new that it was the mean gost and the evil witch so...She figerd a way out that she can put a spell on them so they would stop whispering to her and kill them so they can not make her into a evil kid.When she got home she went in her room and searched up on her laptop how to put a spell on a witch and a mean gost to kill them.When she searched up how to kill the mean gost and the evil witch she went to the store and got the ingredients when she got home she made the poshion and then she went to the witches house and the witch said what are you doing her little girl and she said i'm here to give you this poshion to drink so it will make me into a evil kid and the witch said yes when she was inside the witch and the gost drank it and turned into a stinky little rat and Lucy laughed.Then she squished them and then she didn't have to listen to the whispers again.       

Friday, November 12, 2021

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

 WALT read, write and say māori words and sentences.

When we had Whaea Seroya, I learnt how to make a wheku mask,and how to play Whare,whare kemu which is bingo and our Kupu o Te ra I learnt words like Papa-takaro which means playground,and ,Arai-mata,which means face mask.We learnt how to write in Maori and speak in Maori too.It was so,much fun learning maori because every time when i get home I kind of taught my family how to speak Maori too.We learnt names for fruit like(Hua raku) and the word Kemu which means game.I liked it in the afternoons because we would play Whare,whare Kemu. It was petty hard trying to figure out what the words mean.We made our own Puka,puka about Hua raku.



Thursday, September 23, 2021

Carly Persuasive Writing Plan

 WALT plan our persuasive writing on a JAM board.

Monday, August 9, 2021

The Olympic Games

We are learning about the Olympic Games.

WALT skim and scan information to answer questions about the Olympics.

The Olympics began over two thousand seven hundred years ago.The ancient Greek took part in the Olympic games to celebrate the Greek gods.The only people who were allowed to take part in the Greek Olympics were men or boys.The Olympics take place every four years.If someone comes first, second or third in the Olympics they get a medal. During the Ancient Games, the Olympic torch is lit to let the people know about the Olympic games.The symbol of the Olympic games is the five interlocking rings.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Our Place, Our Stories

  1. We have been learning about the taonga in our school and community. We have also been learning our pepeha. I have been learning how to say my pepeha off by heart. I can say my whole pepeha to the class.

Friday, July 2, 2021

My Addition Strategies

 I am learning to solve addition equations using the place value strategy.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Term 2 - Legends Assembly


  1. We are learning to use descriptive language in our writing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

2-3-digit Addition Strategies

 WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

I learnt how do the place value strategy and I am learning about rounding and compensating.

  1. WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

Friday, June 11, 2021

First Draft - Mahuika Show


We are writing about our experience at the Mahuika Show.
Yesterday we went to a show and the show was about this ounces upon a time there were their two girls and there names where Sissy and Kahu.
Kahu yelled out Sissy,Sissy where are you sissy and then Nan comes in and says Kahu come with me to do some jobs and then Kahu says i don't want to do some jobs and then nan why were your sister and then you can here sissy when she say HeHeHeHeHe and that part was really funny and when she keept on doing it nan found her and then Kahu found her.    

In the middle Kahu and sissy found a magic kete in the garden and what came out was potiki the last flaming fingernail of Mahuika when potiki came out Kahu got really seared and afraid when nan came out she said watch out that is the magic kete and be really careful of that magic kete and when sissy got the sticks that she was holding behind her back nan saw and when nan grab them she was trying to let it out but then she turned to coal but when they saw potiki he said that he was going to take them to the underground and were pukeko swamp was and when they were going they found pukeko and he had a burning beak.

Next steps
  • Re-read each sentence - does it look right? does it make sense?
  • Full stops and capital letters
  • Correct your spelling errors

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

My Mum


My Mum has dark brown eyes and she has shiny blonde brown hair. My mums skin colour is light brown she is quite small but not the smaliesd yet.           

My mum likes going on family adventures and going to my aunty's house. She doesn't spend heaps and heeps of time on her phone. The sorts of things that she would do is that she would always go to my aunty's house or help us with our homework if we need help.

Me and my mum always go shopping together we always get the same clothes at Postie Plus but when we go in to town me and my mum have to keep it a secret because we don't like the boys coming with us.

My Mum is the BEST MUM EVER because when she is cleaning I will help her and when we finish she will give me a whole bunch of lollies. I will always love her even though when she grows me when I’m not listening and fighting with the boys i Love my mum.

Love From Carly 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Ngāti Kurī Proud by Tim Tipene


  1. WALT explore the various stories about why the iwi is named Ngāti Kurī . I learnt the five tribes of Muriwhenua and they are Ngati -Kuri, Te Aupouri, Ngati Kahu, Ngaita Kahu, Te Rarawa.

  2. I learnt what pa was and it is village.

    I learnt what tutted is to it is for me making a noise in disagreement

Sunday, May 16, 2021


ON ANZAC Day we have a dawn parade.We have it at dawn because that's when the soldiers arrived at gallipoli on the 25 of april just before sunrise.We wear poppies on ANZAC Day too.We commemorate the soldiers that died in World War one and two.At the dawn parade we sing the New Zealand National Anthem and we say prayers.


Thursday, April 15, 2021


WALT ask a question for data collection, create a survey to carry out a simple investigation, make a tally chart and create a bar graph.

We have to ask a question to find out information


If we ask more than one question we are conducting a survey.

A bar graph needs a title and labels

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

America's Cup A-Z and Dear Future Me

We have been learning about the America's Cup
WALT set goals for our future self.
Peter Burling was the youngest helmsman NZ has ever had. He set a goal when he was 11 to race in the America's Cup when he grew up. I am setting myself a goal for 'My Future Self'.

Friday, April 9, 2021


WALT identify words or phrases that may be unfamiliar and discuss their meaning. 

I learnt how to put colour on my google drawings.

I learnt how to spell check on my blogs post. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Great Reading Adventure

We are le
arning to write a moment in time about our class assembly, 'The Great Reading Adventure'.

The Great Reading Adventure 
The day had finally arrived I was scared.It was our turn soon when the show had started I felt so nervous and shy because there were lots of parents watching us also the whole school was to. When it started Duffy, Scruffy and his friends started first after when Amelia finished the song came on. That was when I came into the middle of  the hall. When I came in there were lots of parents inside when we were dancing I felt so embarrassed  because I thought that I might make a mistake. When I went on stage I was so scared and really embarrassed  when it was our turn. We did the show Maui and the sun. At first of our play we had Jesse as the sun  he had to come in the middle of the hall and when he turned around that was when I went on. After when my part was finished that was when we had to go and sit back down. When we sat down it was the fairy tales turn the first part of the fairy tales was the three pigs and the big bad wolf the next part was the little red riding hood and also the big bad wolf again .After the little red riding hood it was the three bears they had to act like this the daddy bear acted like he was angry, momma bear acted qiat normal and baby bear was sad because someone ate all their porridge. After they finished we all laughed because it was so funny. When we all finished our parts we had to stand back up and dance to the Duffy song when we were dancing I felt so proud of myself when I was singing, then it was the end of our Great Reading Adventure assembly.

Tsunami Evacuation

We wrote a recount about our evacuation experience.


On Friday there was a Tsunami Evacuation when it happened I felt so confused because when Whaea-Deb said shut your chrome books and she said  pack your guys bags fast. At first I thought that we were going on an real trip because she said that we were going on an adventure but when the alarm went on I felt so scared that something happened. when we head about the tsunami I was freaking out but when my aunty came and picked us up I was all good and lucky I had a friend other wise I would've of been bored. When Casey came I was fine when we got a little down the hill we stopped and then Sheree went to go and get her truck and then my aunty went to go and get her truck. While we were waiting me, Casey Charlie and Donnie we hopped in Sheree truck and then Charlie and Donnie were playing loud songs which was so annoying so then me and Casey tried to take the phone off them but they keep on doing it so we told on Casey mum. After that me and Casey just waited for the boys to finish with the phone well we were waiting me and Casey just played some hand games. After a while Casey mum had to go and pick her girls up so she was going to texts us if it was good to go and it was because Awanui was closed when Casey mum texted us we left to go home and that was so lucky that we live on a hill another wise I would of told mum to go to nanny's.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Tiakina a Tangaroa

I am learning to skim and scan for information. Marine Reserves help us to protect the beach.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tractor Trek

 Last Friday we had a Tractor Trek I saw some people screaming and yelling it was so fun and my favourite tractor was the one that we were in front of. I climbed on the back tyre and it was pretty high I was scared that I couldn't get down. When lunch was finished we went into the hall  to have a korero about our feelings and this lady called Cat talked about feelings. After that part the show was finished and we got to see the tractors again.

Friday, February 26, 2021

All About Me Poem

I am learning to add details to my bio poem writingI wrote a poem about myself and my whanau.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Kawa of Care Challenge

 We are learning all about the 'Kawa of Care' because we are learning how to take care of our chomebooks.